Las Vegas - March 5-9, 2025
What is The Dice Tower organization?
Dice Tower is a YouTube channel with over 300,000 subscribers run by Tom Vasel and other board game reviewers out of FL, USA. It is dedicated to getting folks to learn about the wide world of exciting new board games. They do video reviews, and an audio show, and more.
What is the Dice Tower West convention?
The Dice Tower's biggest west coast event is a board game convention held annually in Las Vegas, NV, called Dice Tower West. This year, the dates are March 8-12, 2023 at the Rio Hotel in Las Vegas. The convention is five full days of gaming with thousands of the friendliest gamers around.
Make new friends
Play lots of games
· Over 6,000 games to play!
· Huge demo zone – 50+ publishers teaching & demo’ing
· More than 30 exhibitor booths
· Lots of open gaming
· Panels – Q&A, hot topics, & live shows
· Hot games room
· Flea Market
· Tournaments & more
Go to the convention with your friends!